Artwork After Pushing the Print Button (Digital images and mixed media)
Online Workshop Feb. 15 & 16, 2025
(Saturday & Sunday)
3:00-4:30 PM EST
This workshop will explain the materials for mixed media approaches that I've been incorporating into my artwork. I am a firm believer that one can add a lot more life to a digital image, after it is printed. I will show methods that can add new meaning to a printed image, and create a one-of-a-kind unique and unrepeatable artwork from a digital file.
For the first session I will go over methods that incorporate mixed media with encaustic medium. Some of the materials tI will demonstrate include acrylic paint, India ink, powdered graphite, stains, splatters, torn and reassembled photos, etc.
The second session I will show ways to manipulate a digital image on glass using shellac, India ink, powdered graphite, and more, etc.
These methods can also be used with acrylic medium resulting in a similar feel. So you don't even need to use wax if you don't work with encaustic.
I plan to offer this workshop not as a "work along with the teacher and do what the teacher says" event, but rather an option to watch, ask questions, engage in discussion, and then if you want you can apply whatever makes sense for your own art making, and you can print your own images to work with, or I can print your images for you (for a fee) if you want after the class. So you won't need any special materials during the workshop.
This workshop is great for those who are photographers, (or not), or anyone familiar with encaustic paint, (or not), people who like to draw, use watercolor, (or not), or people who work in collage (or not).
One of the main characteristics for these methods are the papers I print on; very thin, and very compatible for the things I'll show you.
The cost for the two day workshop is $250.00. I can accept check, or Venmo, or Square;; (preferred).
Or PayPal.
If you would like printed image files after the workshop, Let's talk during the class. $45.00 per sheet (print area 22”x 36”) up to six images per sheet on Japanese Washi, with $15.00 to cover USPS shipping tube.
You can also contact me with questions, or you can sign up on my mailing list and leave me a note to contact you if you have questions.
Woodstock School of Art
Photo Encaustic & Mixed Media
March 29 & 30, 2025
9:00AM to 4:00PM
I'll be teaching in Woodstock again! For more info contact the Woodstock School of Art, hope to see you there!
Painting With Fire (PWF) 2024/25
This is a great collection of videos from 27 encaustic artists teaching the way they work and the methods they've invented working with encaustic paint. And you get two videos from each artist! But if you purchase the set from me, it helps me out and you'll still get access to all the other artist. Artist's videos will be added once the program begins with the new 2024/25 season. If interested follow link below. Oh, and you can view the videos as often as you like.
Price $298.00
Art Alchemy; Digital images, Encaustic & Mixed Media.
Online workshop, five sessions beginning October 26, 2024.
Join me for five workshops days, October 6, November 9,16, 23, & December 14, 2024. These classes will be offered through C2C Art Projects. I will cover the ways I use photographic imagery with encaustic and other materials. These will be live meetings, demos, explainations, discussions, and a lot of interaction with dialog from students as well as Q&A. For more information you can contact me on my contact page, or visit the workshop page to learn more or to sign up at; C2C Art Projects. To learn more of my methods please visit my website;